Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Team Call: When things don't go your way!

WOW!! I was asked to be guest speaker on a team call of a woman I love and admire. She is brilliant and I’ve learned so much from following her journey. We all have those mentors, right? Someone that you look at and think, “yes! If she can do this, I can follow in her footsteps!” 

When I joined with Beachbody in 2013, I listened (ok, I drooled) over each of her training calls. Now… she’s asked ME (little ol’ me) to train HER team!! WHAT???

It all feels amazing and crazy and scary and right. 

If you are a part of our Coach family, then these slides will make great sense. If you aren’t a coach yet and you just enjoy following and learning — WELCOME! I love helping whomever… so I am glad you are reading this. I hope to brighten your day a bit with encouragement and endurance. 

I want to be completely transparent and share the entire training. You down with that? I get pretty real here… call some folks out… I divvy out tough love… and the coolest part?? I learned this tough love from my TODDLER. 

My love Leland is a stubborn fella and I am better for it. But I see his tantrums & toddler ways…. I know clearly how NOT to act and how TO act based on his reaction to friction.  

Check it out: 

And here are the slides if you want to review and share with others. 

I am telling you the T R U T H ::: It’s not always easy to be an adult. But make sure you keep trying. Make sure you never give up and follow your heart. Ignore what everyone else is doing and saying… do you. Be you. Run for your goals my friend. 

Thank you Lindsay for having me on the call. I was honored and humbled. 
