Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My SKEPTICAL husband didn't like Beachbody!

Well, here it is folks. The world's worst video. Watch this at your own risk. If you happen to be able to HEAR anything past the hurricane sounding winds... then maybe there are some helpful nuggets.

What a team we make! LOL

We are an entrepreneur family. We haven't always been that way. As a matter of fact, when we got married Nick was a teacher and I worked at a local ice cream parlor (yes, I had a wear a funny white paper hat.) 

I've can even recall SEVERAL times telling my family that I never wanted to own my own business because there was FAR too much pressure. I was under the misconception that if you were a business owner, you'd be glued to your shop alllllll day everyday. Getting frustrated at your employees who didn't care about your success or brand. I thought it would be an uphill battle trying to raise a family while trying to stock inventory, manage the accounting, handle shipping... It was not something I wanted to touch with a 10-foot pole. 
HOWEVER --- then something crazy happened. 

The internet happened. 

Pretty glorious. And all of a sudden folks who (like me) who were once oober skeptical about entrepreneurship... starting opening their mind and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. All of a sudden, the internet has opened up a HUGE doorway for determined individuals to make a living by networking and offering their services virtually. 

So you are telling me that I could be my own boss, manage my own hours AND work from home in my PJs??? Yea, I get it... it sounds like a scam, right?

If online business is a scam, then every other brick and mortar mom/pop business in your town in a scam too. Folks who have a passion, skill, life experience... and they open up a business to offer a certain group of interested folks solutions to problems they have.... that's called the marketplace. That's called "making the world go round."

SO MY OPINION (since you asked) is that those who are innovative enough to build an ONLINE BUSINESS are the top of the class. They are leveraging the power of social media to reach more people. I think it's genius. 

Just like some car salesman do it wrong... some online business folk do it wrong. My business is not about sales (praise the Lord!), my business is about helping connect others to health & fitness solutions that have given me results and confidence. Another layer of what I do is to mentor others to start an online business themselves. AND I LOVE IT. I STINKIN' LOVE IT!!

My husband was originally skeptical when I told him my goals & confidence in Beachbody Coaching. He (much like many husbands) thought I had "fallen for this thing" and was a bit embarrassed that his friends and co-workers would see his wife "selling" stuff on Facebook. And he was right.

His co-workers did make fun of me. Our friends did give me a hard time.

It didn't feel good. I considered quitting. But then no one would win. I would have LOST because I gave up on something that could build my dreams. And they would have LOST because they discouraged me and ain't no one got time for being a negative nelly.

I decided to push through. I held onto my belief in the products and community that Beachbody offered. Even if I stood alone... I stood and fought for this.

Guess what? IT PAID OFF. 

My skeptical husband turned his frown upside down. He attended a few Beachbody events with me and began to pick up on the character and integrity and PASSION behind this giant warm community. This wasn't just some online business... this was a FAMILY of people who were building their careers together. It felt amazing.

It's been 3 years this week that someone invited me to become a Beachbody Coach. I am forever grateful for my brave friend who stood up first and then asked me to consider it too. Being a trailblazer seems scary until you are on the other side... then you realize how much more scarier it was sitting mediocre in the crowd.

Thanks Nicholi for coming around :) Thanks for believing me even when it seems weird. Thanks for making sacrifices and letting me do my thing.

We aren't done here. There are more people to help.

Onward we go.


If you'd ever want to join us with our adventures and start your own online business, I would love to show you step-by-step what we've done for the past 3 years. Apply below and I will send over some details!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.