Thursday, February 25, 2016

#LiveSlowBibleStudy : What to do when you are desperate?

Finally! I feel like I was able to cohesively communicate what was on my heart .

This is week 4 of our online bible study called #LiveSlowBibleStudy. Each Thursday we meet on Periscope at 7am. And this week, I felt led to simply share my heart instead of sharing a video and carrying on with James.

I was able to share with you what God has been teaching me about hitting rock bottom. 

This tends to be sensitive. And quite frankly, I think some "feel" they've hit rock bottom or are in a pit just because they let their emotions take over (or dare I say it, they enjoy pity parties).

I know hard times are real. And they SUCK.

But it is in those moments when we have the chance to let go of our own sufficiency and rely on God's. His is much more reliable and NEVER ENDING.

And what do ya know... Periscope didn't save my recording because my phone storage was full (SMH) so I do not have a copy of it. I am in the process of brainstorming a boot-leg way to share the 20 minute video. Stay tuned and perhaps I will update this blog soon with the recording.

But until then, know this:

  1. God loves us so much that he allows us to feel desperate.
  2. Miracles happen when there is a problem. So when/if you are at rock bottom, something spectacular can be on the horizon. When we are at a low place in our live, we are candidates for a miracle. 
  3. We should work with what we have (give what we have, serve with what we have, share with what we have). Just because we are in a hard place doesn't mean we should forget to love others. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. 
  4.  Be thankful for what you have. We need to learn how to survive on little and survive on much. 
  5. We need to follow God's instructions. When he tells us to sit down & shut up, let's do it. When he tells us to open our arms and help people freely, let's do it. Your hard times doesn't take away your obligation to be a light in the world. 
  6. When God DOES pull you out of this pit, do not go back to him just to get more freebies. He is not Santa Claus. The miracle was not that he provided when you were desperate (although that's incredible!) the miracle is that he knows exactly what we need when we need it.

 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.

Philippians 4:12

This lesson was from John 6 when Jesus fed 5,000+ of his followers from a few fish and loaves of bread. That indeed was a true miracle.  However, the point of this story be shared in ALL of the gospels was not because Jesus filled bellies... it was because he used that as an opportunity to communicate that "I am the bread of life" John 6:35

These points and lessons were from my church last Sunday --- please take a second (40 min actually) and listen to my Pastor share these exact points and more. I bet you will be encouraged. When you are desperate for a lifeline... you should be desperate to hear from God and here is your chance:


It you were encouraged by this, feel free to share this blog with a friend! We all have highs & lows in our life... that's ok! First step to overcoming hard times to to realize that when we are in our deepest need... God is the solution!

See you next Thursday on Periscope!
