Monday, February 15, 2016

How to overcome discouragement

If you are human, you've faced this... 

We've all dealt with feelings of inadequacy. But how in the world do we handle it when we go to sleep feeling terrible about ourselves. Wake up feeling terrible about ourselves. Walk through our day... feeling terrible about our day. 

Talk about depressing. It's a 100% recipe for disaster. 

My advice (from personal experience) that has helped me climb out of a funk:

(1) Identify what makes you feel that way
Depending on your personality, you may creep into discouragement for different reasons. For me, I tend to backslide with I am getting little results & little affirmation that I'm in the right direction.

(2) Pin point areas that are sloppy
What do you want? What results & affirmations are you looking for? If you don't know what would then your frown upside down... Then your just in a bad mood and moods swing. So you are in control of that!

But if you DO know what results & affirmations your looking for:
Is there something you are doing or are not doing that is preventing those things? Are you cutting corners? Are you following through with what you said? Are you giving affirmations to others?

(3) It's 80% mindset and 20% mechanics
I talk a lot about emotions because I can definitely be a basket of them. I combat leading with my emotions because I thrive off of "feeling" content and peace and balance... And when there is friction with that... I can either freak out, hide in a shell or I can choose to let the extra friction build muscle, stamina, endurance.

SUMMARY: Overcome discouragement by knowing what you want... Pin pointing one thing in the next 30 days... And committing to that. Don't try to do 100 things with decent... Do 1 thing with excellence.
