Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why setting New Year's Resolutions can be DANGEROUS!

Last year, I read this book, "EntreLeadership" by Dave Ramsey. And recently,  I've picked it back up.

It can get tricky trying to read an actual paperback book (wait, they still make those?). I'm more of an audiobook/podcasts girl. But I'm loving reading 10 pages a day because Dave's info is GOLDEN. Every day I'm highlighting and writing notes in the margin.

He talks about dreaming big. Isn't that appropriate as we enter 2016? We are told to set giant goals. Be brave. Commit more this year than years past. After all, being a dreamer feels good!!


A lot of times those said dreams remain just that.. a day dream.

We think a lot about it but don't do anything to get closer to that mark. I can't blame you really. I've done this several times. I was that person who committed to stop biting her nails for 27 years before it stuck (I know gross. Bad habits die hard).

When you make New Years Resolutions, what makes it stick and what makes it flop?

 "One of the lessons passed to me as a child is that you can't just have dreams. You have to do something about them to make them happen. You have to get up, leave the cave, hunt something down, kill it, drag it back to the cave,cook it and then eat it." 

 Hunters didn't sit by their fire and wait for dinner to crawl in the pot.


Summary: There are a lot of steps for dreams to come true. Wow... I sound like a New Years Resolution Scrooge. I'm not, I'm far from it! I'm actually such a HUGE advocate for building dreams that I won't allow myself (or those around me) share fluff goals with no real plan to accomplish it.

Just like, "roast duck does not fly into the window pre-cooked," a goal or a dream does not happen to land on you without you doing something.

 Some of the dreams that we might have as Beachbody coaches:

  1. Become a work-at-home-mom
  2. Lose baby weight
  3. Get out of debt
  4. Earn 6+figures a year
  5. Be our own boss

Whatever your dreams are, they are YOUR dreams. And that gets me quite excited. Because everyone is unique and it gives me goosebumps when I hear the purpose God put in your heart!

But, remember, these 2016 Resolutions can easily remain a dream. Unless you take action.  I am indeed preaching to the choir. As a matter of fact, I haven't yet boiled down my 2016 goals because I am scared (hello kettle, I'm pot). But I am determined to solidify my goals today and will share them in my next blog posts!

So why can dreaming be dangerous?

Because DAY DREAMING gets us no where fast. Taking action and doing what it takes to achieve that dream is the magic. duh. Are you dragging your feet? Pick yourself up and take control of the direction of your life.

If you are new to Beachbody or not a coach yet... would you be willing to work extremely hard for 12 months to pay off all your debt? Would it be worth it to work early morning and late night between your other job to create an income that could replace your current one?

That's what I did. It's been amazing!

As a matter of fact, in the spirit of being completely transparent, here is a chart of my income growth through the past 3 years. It's pretty humbling to see what's possible when you just GO FOR IT.

Beachbody does not guarantee any level or success or income (neither do I!). 

I decided to become a Beachbody Coach not to get rich quick but because of the freedom I'd experience being my own boss. The unlimited income potential that is there is I keep working hard and leading by example. You will hear me say 400x this year that I 100% believe this business model is genius. This isn't my first rodeo (prior to Beachbody, I was 5 years deep as a Marketing Director for a publicly traded company. I don't know all the ropes, but I do know company trends, business dynamics, integrity filled executives... and you will not find a better organization to join than Beachbody. Mark my words.)

If you are ready to make a CHANGE ... I'd love to help. I get so excited and eager to help new coaches set up TANGIBLE goals and STEPS to start an online business like I did. It won't happen overnight, but I know how to mentor the right people to reach beyond the dreams they thought were possible.

Feel free to apply below to join my team. 2016 is going to bring new challenges and adventures... you might as well be open to change. Looking forward to hearing from you!

New Coach Training starts Monday, January 4th so don't delay!! Apply below and I will be in touch!


It's about time you start with us! Application below!
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.