Friday, December 11, 2015

50 Ways to DE-STRESS

Even though I am my own boss, I can get behind and stressed just like the best of em'. I laugh often at my unrealistic list of daily to-dos. We all only have 24 hours in a day.

The best way I know how to DE-STRESS is to take action. I'm a huge advocate of TAKING ACTION.

So when I'm a bit behind in projects or feeling stressed, I know the best therapy is to DO something (instead of sitting and wallowing in panic).

Here is what I DID this week when I was feeling a little overwhelmed: I made a list of 50 ways to LOVE FAST & LIVE SLOW.

It was totally therapeutic!

 Such a wonderful reminder that in moments of overwhelm... I can quickly come back to reality when I step back, slow down and love on others.

 SOOOOO - that is what I'm doing now!! A way I can GIVE BACK (and as a result de-stress) is to give anyone who wants it this fresh-hot-off-the-press list of "50 ways to Love Fast & Live Slow."

It's helped me and I think it will help you ❤

A few examples from the list:

  1.  Remind yourself that busy does not make you important.
  2.  Notice the seasons changing and your children growing up.
  3. Make your career out of something you love.
  4. Leave your phone on the table during dinner time.
  5. Identify your time wasters and banish them.
  6. Spend 3 minutes on stretching every morning.
  7. Completely rest one day of the week.
  8.  Forgive yourself for not being perfect.
  9. Have more game nights w/ friends. Laugh More.
  10. Schedule time to exercise.
  11. Let go of the fear of failure.
  12. Tip 20% even if you have bad service. Why? Because you can make someone elses day happy.
  13. Act on your first instinct to help and to serve somebody.
  14. Sit with your children and read them a book. Sit on the ground and play blocks with them.
  15. Your time is a gift, donate it to charity every quarter.
  16. Have your kids a practice on reading books while you cook dinner.
  17.  Remember you make fewer mistakes when you slow down.


Those are just a few.
 My tough love: Don't be a diva, you are not
 the busiest or most stressed person on the planet.
So put your frantic emotion led whiny excuses
in the trash.

Be realistic with your time and realize that will make fewer mistakes and makes stress less!

Slow down and make a list of priorities and just get it done!

That's my 2 cents.

If you'd want the COMPLETE list of 50 way to take a chill pill, just shoot me your email by creating an free members account with Beachbody. Once you assign me as your coach, I'll get dinged and will send it to you.

Get FULL list of 50 Ways To Destress

* indicates required

Love fast & Live Slow!
