Monday, December 21, 2015

My job has given me 5 FREE vacations!

I hesitated talking about this because I feel that saying, "yea, we've been on 7 vacations on 20 months" can sound snooty.
I'm far from snooty. I'm a simple girl who wears hand-me-down clothes and drives used cars. However, I've always wanted to be RICH in adventure and travel.

                                          Beachbody has allowed us to feed that craving.

Here is our traveling resume since we've become coaches: 
 (1) June 2013, Las Vegas for Coach Summit (annual conference). PAID FOR BY BEACHBODY! 
 (2) March 2014, Caribbean Cruise for Success Club trip: PAID FOR BY BEACHBODY!
(3) July 2014, Las Vegas for Coach Summit (annual conference)
 (4) September 2014, Scottsdale, AZ for Leadership Retreat: PAID FOR BY BEACHBODY! 
 (5) April 2015, All-Inclusive resort in Cancun for Success Club Trip: PAID FOR BY BEACHBODY!
 (6) July 2015, Nashville, TN for Coach Summit (annual conference)
 (7) October 2015, San Diego, CA for Leadership Retreat: PAID FOR BY BEACHBODY!

*NOTE* this doesn't include the smaller team retreats I've attended or hosted. We love girls weekend getaways!!

The first trip with my husband was our Caribbean Cruise in 2014. That was Nick's first beachbody experience. And {total transparency here}, he was skeptical!

He thought that it was gonna be full of vain meat heads & middle age women with high waisted bathing suits (LOL). I guess he thought the cruise was a time warp to 1980s??!!??
He admits he was WAAAAY wrong. We met a lot of amazing people that trip, some of which are our very best friends now!

After that, we got to experience some VIP treatment because we qualified for their annual (invite only) Leadership Retreat. That was a whole new experience. Being immersed not only in the Beachbody during Summit... But now being treated like kings & queens at a 5-Star resort. Think spa day, nightly receptions, celebrity workouts, sneak peaks into new products and mingling with the top 200 coaches in the company (out of 300,000 at the time). It was a huge eye opener!

I was - and still am - humbled and thankful to be a part of some a wonderful organization! They attract genuine, thoughtful, driven, down to earth people. And spending time with them makes us better!
Coach Summit is open for ALL COACHES to attend. The Success Club trips are free vacations you earn when you hit Success Club each month (Success Club is something you earn when you help 3 new people each month).

Now that our team has over 1,000 coaches, we like to host team weekend retreats too. Not all teams do that and it's something that we pay for as a thank you to our team.
I know it's rare to be able to go on so many trips with your husband (kid-free). I don't take that lightly and we will continue to work really to earn them.

And each year more and more coaches on our team join me on these trips!!!!! Tons!!!!
I just want to travel the world. Experience life. Help people. Raise my family to be humble and thankful. Tell as many people as possible about building an online business like we've done.

I've dedicated my career to mentoring new people who start as a coach. I want the coaches on our team to experience the type of flexible schedule and travels we've been able to ... We work hard and play hard!

Does that sound like something you'd like to do? It's ok if you are ready for a change!
I'm accepting new applications now. If you want to start your 2016 different, here's an open door. Beachbody doesn't guarantee any level of income or success. If anyone promises you a get rich quick thing, that is a red flag.

I can share with you the same resources and trainings I've used to become a Top 100, Elite Coach.
Fill out application below and I will be in touch soon!

Fill out my online form.
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