Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How I doubled my income WHILE pregnant!

I get to question this a lot, "Laura, how in the world can I be a Beachbody coach when I'm pregnant? How can I build my business and move forward when I am pregnant?" 

Let me tell you something, I am a silver linings kind of girl. I feel like with this opportunity we have the strength and power to stay fit and healthy.

We can still build our business forward!
In my experience, my business DOUBLED during my pregnancy because it was a whole new group of ladies that I was able to inspire.

It's funny how some women don't want to take care of themselves UNTIL they start growing a little human. It's not about having a 6-pack or being perfect, it's about being YOU. Being exactly where you are and sharing your experience. Such a cool thing!
So if you want to be home with your little one, don't wait until you are postpartum (because let's be honest, that's when the real craziness begins!)

Here are my 7 tips on growing your Beachbody business WHILE pregnant:


1. Announce that you are pregnant, maybe a couple of days later or when you are ready. Go ahead and layout that accountability. By sharing that you will commit to healthy habits while pregnancy, this speaks volumes and more eyes will be watching to see if you can actually do it. YIKES -- that's some serious (and great) accountability.

2. Talk to your doctor about working out & Shakeology. To clear the air and ensure you are really focused on your baby's best ... you may have certain eating restrictions or heart rate limits. I'd encourage you to talk to them about Shakeology! I spoke with my doctor about it and brought the ingredient list (and compared it to the prenatals I took in my 1st pregnancy) and they said YES to drink Shakeology everyday as my prenatal. WIN-WIN! 

3. You need to post progress pictures and videos of you working out, staying active and making healthy choices. I know it's so hard to crawl out of bed on those 1st trimeter days. Trust me, I get it. Even when you are feeling awkward in the muffin top stage. This is not the time to hide. I know your body will go through a lot. Remember, you are beautiful. You are growing a beautiful child and own your body, your stretch marks, your changes, your sweet bump.

4. Listen to your body. Just because we want to remain fit or have a healthy body doesn't mean we have to over do it. Stay active while being pregnant at the right pace. But don't use pregnancy as an excuse to not work out at all.

5. You need to keep on doing what you were already doing regarding your business activities! Connecting with new people, building relationship. Especially others who want to grow a family one day! The 3 Vital Behaviors should be non-negotiable no matter what!
6. Post about NUTRITION. Fatigue is a huge struggle! So when you LEGIT cannot even move because of round ligament pain, morning sickness or doctors orders - you know how you can still remain healthy and positive? Eating right! Focus on your nutrition. You can remove temptation by taking away the sugars, junk, sodas in your house. Things you wouldn't want to fuel your body with anyways (especially when providing fuel to your growing baby). Share your meal plans on social media. Other women and momma's want ideas on eating right. So stay focused!

7. Prepare yourself for post-pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not be aware of all the healing that is required post-delivery (I wish someone would have told me, yikes!).

Prepare in advance. Delegate to your team and make sure other coaches or customers are helping lead your Challenge Groups or Coach Trainings.

You will have sleepless nights and a lot of whacky emotions. Think about ways that you can share people your journey while being positive. You can be honest but not whiny. No one wants to see you post 40x a day about how tired and emotional you are. Even though that may be how you feel... choose to see the silver lining. Be real with your struggles AS LONG as you can end the post with a lesson you are learning and a positive encouragement to others. Building trust & new connections will happen when you bring people along your journey. People want to LEARN FROM YOU and see what to do. Go ahead and make a list of questions you have about being pregnant, delivery and post-delivery. Share your experience and help other pregnant women know what to expect (without being incredibly TMI of course).


  • What bottles you are choosing to use and why
  • What stroller you settled on and why
  • Are you going to nurse, what pump do you recommend?
  • How can you organize the nursery?
  • What's the meaning behind your baby's name?
  • What scares you most about the life change about to happen?
  • What excites you most about the life change about to happen?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • How are you modifying your workouts?
  • Did you pass your glucose test? Share tips!
  • What kinds of foods are you eating to maintain healthy weight gain?
  • Share why you feel beautiful. Because you are beautiful.

Just because you are pregnant or WANT to become pregnant... does not mean you have to lose yourself or your dreams for your life. If anything, I believe this is the perfect time for you to buckel down and be who you want to be. Be your best. Your future baby deserves it. They want to have a strong, drive, dedicated, #girlboss momma. You are making healthy changes FOR that little one.

In my opinion... you are obligated to be your healthiest while pregnant. This is more than just eating right and working out. This is FINANCIAL health and stability too. Change is coming. No matter what. So you might as well dive into an opportunity that will help your family be debt free, allow you to be at home full-time with this little one. This is not the time to panic or be a hermit crab.

If you have a dream in your career. If you imagined your life looking different than it does right now.... nothing will change unless you do. I was able to DOUBLE my income while pregnant because I decided to fight for my family. I decided to be strong for my babies. They needed a mom who will create a lifestyle that they can thrive in <3 I have tears in my eyes writing this.

All I want is for my boys to one day look back and think, "Wow. I am so appreciative that my mom worked so hard. Because of her, I can _______"

I want to create opportunity for my children. And this day and age, that has a lot to do with having money. You can't deny that.

I am so happy for you as you plan to grow your family - being a mom is a wonderful blessing. You will be an incredible mom! 

If you are curious about what I do and the steps I took to double my income WHILE PREGNANT (all while working from home on my laptop), I can help. I am very passionate about helping women be present with their families!

Apply to join our team today. For real, if nothing else, I'd love to simply here your story. I'd love to follow your journey and pregnancy. It is such a beautiful thing. Fill out this survey and let's get connected!

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