Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Hacks that will save you time

These days, I am obsessed with looking at articles about Christmas Hacks.
What is a Christmas Hack?? Better yet, what is a LIFE HACK??
life·hack ˈlīfˌhak/ . noun: life hack "a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one's time and daily activities in a more efficient way."
I'm pro-saving money & time. Count me in.
These are 5 Christmas Hacks that blew my mind:

1. CHRISTMAS CARD TREE: If you have been getting christmas cards from everybody, don't crowd your mantle of fridge. Use them for decorations! You can string up ribbon and clip the cards on the wall. Even ask your kids to help you!

2. EGG CARTON ORNAMENTS: I am going to use egg cartons to store all my ornaments from now on. Is this totally common knowledge and I've been hiding under a rock?

3. WRAPPING PAPER ROLL: For all the crazy wrapping papers that we are using, it's pretty annoying when the paper unravels and bends all up. So you can take an empty toilet paper roll, cut it vertically, then hold the roll with the roll.

4. UNTANGLED LIGHTS: How many times do we have to untangle christmas lights? It's a total mess! Instead, use a hanger and wrap your christmas lights around it.It's all going to be in a one good as clean swoop like a good circular organized pattern.

5. TREE DECOR: This one blew me away!! Did you know that for every 1 ft of your christmas tree - you should have 100 lights and 20 ornaments. I had no idea but this saves me tons of trips to the store.

I have tons of Life Hacks on my Facebook page - check it out!
Merry Christmas!