Thursday, December 17, 2015

My favorite holiday treat with 70 super food ingredients!

Sooo..... you know that one time you bought raw Goji Berries from that random sketch website?? <---- oh wait, that was me 2 years ago. 

When I was pregnant with Leland, I "heard" about this magical berry. TRUTH is, I'm not one to follow the newest trends.

BUT, when I read one of the MANY benefits were "REDUCING CELLULITE" ...I plugged in my CC hahaha

Come to find out, it was EXPENSIVE and gross. Then I ordered chia seeds. Then I started blending them with spinach and flax seed. Then I dreaded mornings because of my make-shift morning concoction.

< BLAH > 

SO I just continued with my gummy bear vitamins (amen or amen?)

.............. then in trotted sexy Shakeology. I was a skeptic. I was like, "been there, done that, supplements are for the weak. I will just drink the real stuff" (as I wiped off my green nasty clumpy spinach shake mustache)

But I looked at the ingredient lis of this shakeology stuff. Low and behold... goji berries. chia seeds, spinach, flax, acai berry, arugula... and 64 other flippin nutrient dense ingredients that were LE-GIT.

It was worth a shot. 

I was SPENDING WAYYYYYYY more than $4/day on my homemade attempt. So trying Shakeology would put moolah back in my pocket.

So..... my name is Laura. and I'm a recovering skeptic-aholic. Shakeology is REAL food and AMAZING quality. The End. 

If you want to try Shakeology & make it a staple in your life too, I lead monthly online groups with other women who have similar health & fitness goals. 

There is one starting soon and I'd love to talk with you about the spots we have left! 

Apply below! 


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