Monday, September 26, 2016

What our challengers are saying about the Health Bet Challenge?

First, what is the Health Bet Challenge?

Second, how is the Health Bet Challenge going?

I am thrilled to brag on the 20 ladies who joined my Health Bet Challenge (started on September 5th). Starting new habits is not a walk in the park. Some of these women were nervous because they've started & stopped 1000 others fitness journeys.

We made a pact.

This time it would be different. We would walk through this together. And to reward them for their determination, it they completed, they'd split a $1.6 million cash pot from Beachbody! Yea, that was also motivating ... lol

Enough from me, let's here it from them: 

We have ONE more week! However, I've challenged them to NOT think short-sighted. Did you know that new research has shown that "starting a new habit in 21-days" is a myth??

As a matter of fact, new studies show that it takes an average of 66 days to create a new habit. And (the better news), if you miss a day or two, you haven't sabotaged your progress. It's not ALL or NOTHING.

You are allowed to be human. And get back up and keep trying!

Our monthly fitness groups continue to energize me -- it apparently energizes them too!

If you want to see what these fitness groups are all about, apply below and I will send you some more details. The groups are FREE. You just need to have the right program & nutrition bundle for your goals. Let's chat more about it --- talk to you soon!

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