Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How to use iMovie on your phone?

Hi friends! I get this question all the time:

"What app do you use to make your video clips on Facebook?"

I should preface by saying, it's 100% easier than you'd imagine. About a year ago, I decided that I do better on video than written content. Hence, my frequent live streaming... I need people to "get me" and handpicking emoji's just wasn't cutting it...

I began using videos to share my fitness journey by using an app called PIC PLAY POST. It was fun! It was easy and only took a few seconds of video to be eye catching as people scrolled through their feed.

My heart was pounding and I realized I needed to open up & share my Beachbody Coach journey. But how?? I decided to make a transformation video.

You guessed it... using iMovie!!

I stayed up ALL NIGHT one night (#truestory) pouring out ALL of my emotions through splicing videos & images together to depict my enormous mental transformation I've had since becoming a Beachbody Coach.

NOTE: I had no idea what I was doing with iMovie. I just googled everything. Then trial & error'd my way through the night. By the next morning, I had thrown so much spaghetti on the wall... something magical was created = I learned iMovie!

All that to say... if you are willing to try new things, get creative and figure out if video is the best way for YOU to communicate, then go for it!

Hope this helps and you have a lovely day!

PS. Here was the grand finale of that all nighter: