Friday, July 1, 2016

Six Kid-Friendly 4th of July Ideas!

Can you believe 4th of July is only a few days away? I’ve been wondering what kind of things I can do with my family this yea and I’ve looked up lots of different ideas from around the web but to no avail.

Then I decided to reach out to my wonderful Facebook fans and put together this list of 4th of July ideas for you to try this year.

1. Star Spangled Slime

(Image Credit:

Okay, this one sounds a little gross but it’s actually really cool.

Things you’ll need: 2 bottles of clear school glue, around 1/4 cup of liquid starch, one pack of star confetti (blue, red and silver colored) and a large bowl.
  1. Pour the clear school glue into the bowl then add the liquid starch slowly, one bit at a time and stir the mixture after each bit you add. 
  2. Before adding more starch stir the mixture together, then continue adding it bit by bit until it begins to stick together and form together in the middle of the bowl.
  3. Keep adding starch until the mixture no longer sticks to your fingers 
  4. Add the star confetti and knead it into the mixture like a dough until you get smooth stretchy consistency. 
That’s it :)

Original Post:

2. Patriotic Fruit Pizza

(Image Credit:

There are so many variations of this one of pinterest. But basically the beauty is all in the decoration in my opinion and how you choose to make your very own fruit pizza American flag.

For this one you’ll need to make or buy a cookie dough for the crust, cream cheese for the frosting and strawberries, banana slices and blueberries for the toping.

The final touch is in the topping just take a look above!

Original Post Here:
Idea from: Meagan Jeanette Brock

3. Fireworks in a Jar

(Image Credit:

If you can’t stay up and watch the fireworks this idea will keep the kids entertained for sure and is fascinating to watch.

You’ll need: water, food colouring, oil and a mason jar.
  1. To get started fill the jar with warm water to be 3/4 full. 
  2. Then in a smaller container or bowl mix a few tablespoons of oil and a few drops of the food colouring (red and blue of course) and use a fork to slightly mix the food colouring together. 
  3. Then, pour that mixture into the jar and watch the magic unfold. 
Original Post Here:
Idea from: Meagan Jeanette Brock

4. Talk About the Meaning of 4th of July

(Image Credit: D Williams)

If your kids are old enough it might be a good idea to talk with them about the meaning of independence day and what it means to you. This is a suggestion by one of my Facebook followers Rachel Pritchard Lenhart and one I think is super important. 

You can talk about what the day means for Americans and why it’s important to celebrate this day. You can teach them about the symbols and meaning of the colors red, white and blue and educate them on becoming a part of a diverse world.

Original Post Here:
Idea from: Rachel Pritchard Lenhart

5. Watch Fireworks from Your Backyard

(Image Credit: ColourPixie)

If you want to spend your 4th of July at home and seeing some real life fireworks are a must then you can find out if your town has a local fireworks display and what time it will be to keep an eye out and if that’s not an option you can always go with number 3.

Idea from: Rachel Pritchard Lenhart

6. Hats of America

(Image Credit: Laura Doss)

Take out your craft supplies and let you kids make their very own 4th of July customised hats.

You’ll need: disposable plastic cups (preferably red) and a variety of crafts the kids can use to decorate their hats - plus some glue, tape, pipe cleaners and paper card (blue or white).

To make sure hats stay on, use an elastic beading cord with knots at the end. Secure the ends by using tape and attaching the cord inside the plastic cups.

Original Idea Here:

Okay so there’s a few tips from some of our Facebook readers which I am so grateful for having your input.

I know I want to have a really fun and meaningful July 4th and I really hope you do too!

If you are looking for some healthy recipes to try this weekend, I can point you in the right direction, click here: 

YES!! Send me some healthy 4th of July recipes!!