Friday, July 29, 2016

5 Rookie #Girlboss Mistakes We All Make

I know all of us are prone to making mistakes so I want to lead from the front and say that we can totally avoid these mistakes I've noticed over the years. But, we have to be aware of them, and willing to avoid them.

I don’t know if you’ve been a coach for five minutes or five months or three years — like me — but everyone is at risk of making these 5 rookie mistakes.

You all know my vision and passion for this year is to see you achieve your goals and take you to the top 100 and become elite - and we will do that.

So here’s your chance to hold yourself accountable for these five rookies mistakes we are all prone to making!

Check out the 30 minute webinar (recording) or scroll through summary below! 


Mistake #1 Perfectionism

I’m not mad at you if you are a perfectionist, but what I’m telling you is that you cannot wait until all of the lights turn green until you leave home.

You cannot know every answer to every question, or know exactly what every single post is going to say. You have to just go ahead and make that post, or start inviting people to that challenge group (even if you don’t know the theme), but you need to go ahead and do it.

You need to go ahead and promote it, you need to go ahead and talk about it behind the scenes, in your private conversations, you need to go ahead and get creative and go for it.

Don’t overthink everything, sometimes you just have to go for it.

Because you can’t be perfect at everything, and done is better than perfect.

If you hold out and over-complicate things, organize or reorganize, and start all over again because you messed up last month, that’s perfectionism. That is a mistake. You absolutely can get started now and action is very powerful in this business (crazy amounts of action).

Mistake #2 Shallow Sight

Let me share with you an analogy to explain what I mean by ‘Shallow Sight’.

It starts with a group of students who are studying the art of clay making. They’re then asked by their professor to split into two groups.

To the first half the professor says: “I want you to spend the entire semester working on a perfect clay pot and I will grade you on the quality of the finished pot.”

To the second half the professor says: “This semester I want you to produce the most amount of clay pots and I will grade you on the quantity of posts you produce.”

Now, at the end of semester, which half of that class do you think produced the most perfect clay pot?

Surprisingly, it was the group that focused on quantity that ended up creating the perfect clay pot. Because they created the pot over and over and were able to learn from their mistakes and get better at it.

Because what they were able to do is make a clay pot, learn from it, figure out how it felt, feel around, it was this deep, it was this wide, you had to use this much water to break in the sides… Okay toss that one to the side, we’ll include that in the batch and try something different.

Over and over again they were able to practice and learn from their mistakes and get better. They weren’t trying to create a perfect clay pot. But, by trial and error they produced something that was much better quality than the group that spent the whole entire semester over-analyzing what they were going to do and not taking any action until the last minute.

There’s a huge argument around inviting only quality people to the group. I’m not telling you go out there and build a shallow team, but I’m thinking that a lot of you have shallow sight and you’re prejudging what somebody is capable of.

If you cast your net wide and if you invite 100 people, that’s going to have far greater results than if you only invite the seven people who were in your last challenge group.

So what are you fixated on?

Are you fixated on keeping all of your eggs in one basket and hounding just a handful of people until they say yes? This doesn’t only have to do with the coaches or challenges that you invite your team to, it’s your whole life.

So don’t prejudge anybody, and think about that clay pot story and having quantity.

Cast a vision, open your arms and don’t hold back, because it’s going to be in you, growing as a leader and in your trial and error, and you throwing spaghetti at the wall 100,000 times on an idea  - until you figure out the right recipe for you.

Don’t have shallow sight.

Mistake #3 McDonaldization

What does this mean? Well, McDonaldization means that we expect to get what we want immediately.

In this generation we have such a skewed view on what we deserve as how fast we’re supposed to see success, and that if we haven’t gotten where we want to be in six months then this wasn’t worth it.

With Beachbody it is amazing that we have the opportunity to go from zero to as big as we want as quickly as we want. But if you’ve been in this business for a short time and you’re still not happy with what you’ve been achieving, then you need to be a boss and you need to troubleshoot it.

At the end of the day, our business cannot outgrow us as a person. We have to grow in our mind, in our processes, in our management, in our systems, in our confidence, and in our ability to share our story, and speak our vision.

We can’t control other people so if you’re sitting back waiting for your coaches to get it, then you are not getting it. You have  to step it up and make a bigger impression on the people that you’re talking to. Don’t just automate everything and don’t just copy and paste.

If you expect to see instant results and gain immediate gratification, and you want everything right to work out right now – that is the mentality of a MacDonaldized goal.

Do you have that view or are you willing to work for it and trust the process?

Think about that, because our actions must match our goals.

Building a business takes time, that’s why you’ve got to figure out your rhythm, you’ve got to figure out your baseline, you’ve got to figure out yourself, and make sure that you’re in it for the long-term. Don’t worry about being fast, worry about being steadfast.

Mistake #4 Lone Wolf Syndrome

We all know someone who has Lone Wolf Syndrome. They’re like peace out, I’m independent, I don’t need you, I can do this on my own.

Let me just say, I appreciate your confidence and your independence, but I don’t want you to be a lone wolf in the sense that it’s very easy to hide and to think that nobody will notice when you slip away.

If you’re just silently looking into our team pages, just silently scrolling and stalking through Facebook or posting on your wall every now and again and you’re being like a ninja, then I might just call you out. Or if you’re being a taker and not a giver, if you’re just taking everything out of our conversations and not participating in our community by giving back and showing encouragement, by commenting on things - then you’re not a giver you’re a taker.

I’m going to love you no matter what, but I’m going to challenge you to take that and chew on it tonight.

If you’ve gained value out of being a part of our coach family here, whether it’s personal motivation to hit your goals, whether it’s believing that it’s possible for you to earn a couple of thousand dollars a month at the end of the year — these are really big life-changing things.

If you’re just a sponge who is soaking in, soaking in, then you know what happens to a sponge when it just sits on the sink full of water? It turns into a rotten, nasty, stinking mold that gets thrown away. So don’t be a stinky sponge, don’t just soak in all of the encouragement, excitement, value and motivation without squeezing yourself out.

Or maybe you’re having a hard time because you don’t want to be vulnerable, you don’t want to tell anybody what you’re really going through. We want you to and we want you to feel comfortable with us. Because #WeAreMoxie, guys.

That hashtag means a lot to me, I know that’s something that has just come around this year, but I use that hashtag in everything because I really believe that we have a force behind us and we have a wave of momentum and we have amazing coaches on our team.

It’s far more than health and fitness, it’s really about bettering our lives and if you connect with that then you belong here, you absolutely do.

Mistake #5 Half-Way Pregnant

Are you acting halfway pregnant? There’s nothing wrong with being a hobby coach, but expect hobby results.

If you’re doing the bare minimum, if you’re just working out, just eating right, and posting about it twice, three, four five, times on Facebook a week, that is not really cutting it anymore.

You’ve got to be proactively out there adding prospects. You’ve got to be steadfast, trust the process, be consistent and take it up a notch if you’re not satisfied  with your own results.

So are you half-way pregnant? If you are, what’s holding you back?

Are you scared, do you not feel connected, do you not feel like you know what to do? We can help you with those things. Guys, you’re not alone in this, we can help you, and there are resources out there. We’re a couple of meetings, phone calls, or texts away from sending you the encouragement that you might need. But, we need to know where you’re at and what’s holding you back.


I want you to figure out a rhythm, I want you to write down what you’re committed to and the hours you have. You might have to wake up at 5 and work until 6, stay up later, work on your mommy breaks – I get it, I’m a mom of two.

We can do this, and I know you can do this. It could be that one thing that takes you, that can spiral you in a positive way for the rest your life - that ripple effect. If you make that one change, it could be the one thing that can catapult your life into the best direction possible.

If you are not yet on our team, but you GET IT and have a GIRL BOSS bone in your body - join us! We are on the move and we aren't slowing down... you could be a huge part of this fit family and we would love to welcome you in today. 

To apply to join my team, CLICK HERE

If you want to do some research and learn more about what Beachbody Coaching is all about, I get that. I did that same thing. That's why I took the time to simplify your research and shared tons of info in a FREE GROUP on Facebook. Common questions like: 
  1. What do Beachbody Coaches do?
  2. How do we do it?
  3. What do we earn?
  4. What would you do in your first 30 days?
Beachbody Coaching is not for everyone and that's ok. But for those who have that gut feeling but are scared or filled with self-doubt. Don't hold back your true potential. This could be the decision that changes your entire life. It did mine!


