Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What Does It Mean To Be A Beachbody Coach?

I want to share with you exactly what I do as a Beachbody Coach, how I do it and why I’ve never been more proud to represent a company and team.

The One Thing That Made Me Realize It Was Time To Change

Let’s rewind to 2009, I remember it like it was yesterday. I was working in corporate America for a company which was very well known and very prestigious.

I was the youngest marketing director the company had ever advanced - which was a real honor. Although in the midst of it seeming like I had it all together and that I should’ve been so happy, I was sitting there miserable.

I was traveling away from home 75% of the time, living on airplanes, in hotel rooms and working in a medical industry that I didn't know. I felt weird, I didn't feel like me and I was losing myself. I was physically getting sick and I struggled with so many health issues because I was so stressed out. I had adult acne, PCOS, IBS, heart palpitations and I was one of those weird cases that got swine flu.

I knew something had to change, but instead, I just buckled my seatbelt and said: “This is what life is right?” So I ended up staying in that job for five years...

I don't know where you are in life right now, but if you’re thinking… “I just don't feel like I'm using my strengths or skills and I don’t feel appreciated. Or, I really want to contribute to something bigger than me.”

I was so hungry for that, I needed that. Then, in 2011 I got pregnant and that changed everything. No longer was I thinking I can just suck it up buttercup and do this job, climb the corporate ladder and be all go go go. Instead, I was living for this little child inside of me.

So I started searching for jobs - I was seemingly successful and felt good about my skills. I had a college degree, a masters degree and I’d climbed the corporate ladder. But even though I applied for hundreds of jobs, I got none of them, nothing.

Then, I thought, I’m a failure, I’m not worth anything, I suck at everything, I'm so unhappy and I'm spiraling down, by 2013, I had reached the end of my rope. I was tired, exhausted and living in a new town I didn't know, trying to please everyone else and losing myself.

Then, a friend said to me: “Hey I know you're stressed, I have this detox group I'm starting, would you want to join me?” And I thought yes, I need to detox my life! I need to start fresh and find myself, start working out again because I am out of it. I need to feel good about myself again.

I didn't know it yet, but this would be the very beginning of my amazing journey as a Beachbody Coach.

Once I was introduced to an amazing product that transformed my health from the inside out I knew that Beachbody was for me.

That amazing product was Shakeology - a Beachbody shake that’s dense with superfood nutrition. This is not a claim, but for me personally, many of the health issues I’d my entire life could be fixed through proper nutrition and that’s where Shakeology helped me.

I started out with a challenge pack that included a fitness program and Shakeology and after working out and fixing my nutrition this idea of being a Beachbody Coach was a no-brainer.

So What Exactly Is Beachbody & Why Is It So Great?

To me, Beachbody is a company that allows customers to get a kickback when they refer other people to use their products. It’s a company full of leaders who have been there from the beginning. The integrity, passion, character, consistency, quality service and products are amazing.

A Beachbody Coach is a customer who uses the products and says “Yes, I want to build a business by telling people about the Beachbody community and how they can use the products and programs to lose weight.”

As a Beachbody Coach, you can make it a side job, full-time job or something that could create a fortune for your family.

I always get asked, but what exactly do you do as a Beachbody Coach? Simple, I work on my own transformation. That’s both my physical and internal transformation of my confidence and having a real purpose to work towards. It’s literally my job and my privilege to invite my others to join my journey and inspire them to start their own.

Then, they inspire a few others, who then inspire a few others, you get it right? It’s a pay it forward business and the only way that you succeed is by lifting up other people. That’s how easy it is - I’m not even kidding.

What Support Is There For Coaches?

We start challenge groups every month, which is basically an online accountability group where anyone can start their own fitness and health transformation, then that compounds.

When you get started as a Beachbody Coach there are so many resources to help you succeed. We have weekly team calls, one on one, group training, social media training, video training, manuals, blogs, learning preference, retreats - you name it.

As a coach you get access to amazing peer support and become part of a community. There're team pages you’ll be added to so if you feel like you need to throw in the towel there’s a whole community looking out for you.

You're set up with a success partner and you get a phone call from your sponsor and you can run as slow or fast as you want.

In the fitness aspect we have world class fitness programs that we commit to and keep each other accountable for and this is our family.  

Each Beachbody coach can that grows their business can create a team and community that you can name whatever you want. For me, Moxie came into my heart, it means the ability to face challenges with spirit and courage. 
 I'm honored to be the founder of Moxie and work with the thousand coaches we have in our team. We have this new hashtag #wearemoxie because we are a family and the community is incredible, our motto that we live by is to love fast, live slow.

So How Can You Become A Beachbody Coach & How Much Does It Cost?

If you sign up with a Challenge Pack it’s free to become a Beachbody Coach, otherwise, it costs just $40 initially and $15 after that.

Now some people say oh $40 that's a lot. Are you kidding me? To start a business from your home online?

I know this can be a big investment for some, but if you think about the costs of starting a traditional business or franchise, which can be anywhere from $10,000 - $200,000 to me it’s a no-brainer because of the benefits you’ll get.

The risk in only spending $40 is that many people treat Beachbody like a hobby and therefore it pays like a hobby because they don't even put the work into it.

This opportunity is tremendous value but you have to treat it like a business in order for it to gain and build a business.

Beachbody is already a successful brand and spends $150mil on mainstream marketing to create brand recognition and they continually develop new programs and products. You might have heard of P90X, Insanity, 21-Day Fix or Country Heat.

The best thing with coaching is the fact it’s your business. You create your brand, mission, and vision. I love the fact that I can talk about my family, passion and faith openly and I don't have to be politically correct.

What we do is far beyond us, because with every challenge pack sold a portion of that money is donated to a number of fantastic charities. In the past two years, the entire network of Beachbody Coaches have raised over four million dollars for charity.

If you want something out of your life, this is a way to get it.

"Laura, I’m Ready To Be A Coach!"

You can get started by purchasing a challenge pack which includes: a fitness program of your choice, Shakeology for a month, free trial of Beachbody on demand (live streamed programs), joining our upcoming challenge group and you don’t have to pay the $40 coach sign up fee.

All of this is only $140 and everything is money back guaranteed. If you don't think it's your cup of tea, if you hate it - there's no risk.

When I signed up as a coach I did not buy a challenge pack. I bought everything separate and ending up spending more than I should have so you have to make the most of this deal.

There're three different types of coaches in my opinion:

Discount Coaches
A discount coach is someone who says, “I don't want to share this with anybody, I don't want to talk to anyone about it or tell anybody what I'm doing but I just want a discount.” Just for becoming a Beachbody Coach you save 25% on everything.

Hobby Coaches
A hobby coach is someone who says, “I'm not really going to talk to anybody about it, but if somebody asks I'll tell them more.” This is for those who want to do this on the side - no big deal.

Business Builder
A business builder is somebody who says, “I like this, I like the results I'm seeing and I really like this team. I really feel like I could be a part of something big and reach goals. I really want to start a team, have a community and inspire other people.”

You choose what works for you. This is a place to dream big and to live your best life.

I went all because of the results I was having personally it was so easy for me to say yes I recommend it and I will proudly represent this company. I had no idea, it would be such a strong help to my finances and my family.

I'm not going to end this post without being very transparent and bold about my income. As a disclaimer, Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income. You have to work extremely hard and your success depends on your own efforts, diligence, and skill.

In my first week as a coach I was making nothing, I was so excited to make my first $60 in the beginning. Now, two and a half years later I’m making $3,300 a week. I have coaches who make much much more and coaches who make much less. It all depends on your level of work, patience, skill and teachability. Beachbody does not and cannot guarantee you will every earn a paycheck -- it always depends on your effort, skill, patience and determination to achieve your goals.

That's why we have training in place, though. There’s mentorship, tools, and tips, retreats and face to face events where we can help you reach your goals.

Worst case scenario, what if you don't believe in yourself? What if you don't believe me or don't think it's worth it?

If no one wants to join your challenge group or sign up on your team it’s okay. You’d still be connected with driven and inspiring people from our team (so you would be my friend - I love new friends). You’d then be focusing on yourself and getting in shape and have tools and resources to learn more about nutrition and face your fears head on.

Nobody is going to leave you hanging. Say it did work out, though? If you’re teachable, working hard, willing to build a team and willing to help customers get results, you can choose one of the coaching options above.


Ask Yourself, What Do You Want?

I wanted to come home to my son, financial freedom, to get out of debt, and I did not want a one percent raise every single year. I wanted to be in control of my life and not allow anybody to tell me that I'm fired.

I loved working but I wanted a different lifestyle. I did not feel like me, I felt stuck, afraid and I felt alone. I cried by myself, a lot and it hurt and I wish that upon nobody. Nobody deserves that okay?

Just give me a chance to love you, give me a chance to hug you, and to welcome you into this community. You are not alone, no matter how low you might feel right now you’re not alone.

Do not let your fear stop you. Do not let your fear of yourself, don't let your fear failure, don't let your fear of your past, don't let your doubt, your insecurity, don't let these negative thoughts of what you think other people will say, don't let it stop from who you want to become.

I just wish you could hear the stories and stories of coaches who were radically changed just because they started growing as a person.

If you stay doing the exact same thing you're doing right now, in five years will you have achieved any of your goals? What if you could achieve your goals in six months or if you put in the hard work even twelve months?

I want to challenge you to think about that. If you do not change what you're doing right now, but you want a different lifestyle, or you have life goals you haven’t met yet, will you ever achieve them?


In order for something to change in your life and hit your goals something has to change - here's a chance.

We’d love to welcome you and I cannot wait to see all of the new exciting people sign up. If you guys have any questions feel free to email or message me on Facebook.

Here is a thorough webinar reviewing the WHAT, HOW, WHY about Coaching!

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