Thursday, October 13, 2016

How 57 women just earned MONEY for working out!

And that's a wrap!!

In September, I hosted a Challenge Group called the Health Bet Challenge. I rallied several dozen women together to set health & fitness goals + commit to a work out program + commit to drinking superfoods each day = and if they complete the challenge, they split a giant pot a moolah.

That $$ total was $1,634,950.

And guess what??

100,273 amazing-dedicated-people completed this challenge!!

Therefore, we each earned $16.31 !!

Now, will that send you on a vacation to Bora Bora?? No ... but I will tell you want, being a part of the Health Bet Challenge gave us what MONEY CAN'T BUY!!


"I was just noticing... my clothes fit better. I need to buy new jeans!!" - Colleen Butterfield

"I'm noticing my clothes fitting loose. Plus, other people are starting to notice that changes in me!!" - Jennifer Michaels

"Sleeping MUCH better and the clothes are loosing up." - Shannon Holcombe

"I got to go shopping for jeans. One size smaller! Whoop whoop!" - Leslie Crose

"With each day comes a little more motivation than the day before to keep going." - Ashley Guthas

"I've noticed muscle gain. Things that used to be really heavy don't seem so heavy anymore." - Miranda Plumtree

"I'm feeling more energetic!!" - Christine Rego

"I woke up not feeling as bloated!" - Jessica Mitchell


These are gains money can't buy! You can PAY for life change. You have to fight for it!

Check out some of their WEIGHT LOSS trackers below... 


Congratulations Health Bet Challengers!! What an incredible journey together. I know this can be JUST the beginning of a wonderful transformation!

If you want to be a part of an Online Fitness Group, I'd love to help. Fill our the registration form below to apply for our next group. I start one the first Monday of every month. Is it time? Are ready?

I will send you an email with all the details!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.