Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Where did our team name "MOXIE" come from?

When you run an online business -- with 1,000+ coaches on your team -- you gotta get creative in order to show your team how VALUABLE they are to you.

From the very beginning, I felt a passion in my heart to work with women & lift them up. Well... let me back up. I actually knew since Middle School that God had put a tickle in my heart to mentor & disciple women.

This desire was filled in many ways throughout childhood. I was in love with my School Counselor (Ms. Grovner, you are still super special to me!) and when my friends were having tough times... my heart BLED with empathy.

I am not sure if that can be taught or if was because at that point in my life I had already dealt with real life hardships. My dad was battling for his life with Leukemia. I watched this West Point graduate, Olympic Athlete, Army Major retire from his 20 years of service go forward to get his 2nd Masters in Business... and a month before he graduated Valedictorian from Rollins College in Orlando,  we all got the news on Easter morning that he had a rare form of Leukemia.

I know circumstances could have been worse - and a lot of families overcome a lot more - but to me and my little heart, I felt pain. I saw how sometimes you can't avoid pain. You can't avoid hardships. However, what you CAN CONTROL is your attitude in response to the cards you are dealt.

That principle has shaped me and I share it unconsciously with every women I get to mentor.

When I decided to become a Beachbody Coach, I wanted success. I wanted results. I wanted to make a difference. Maybe it was born in me.

March 2013 is when our team MOXIE was established. 

Day dreaming about our team name and what culture would help bring out the BEST in everyone ... I knew the word tenacious could summarize the gumption I wanted these future coaches to have. However, Team Tenacious or Gumption Junction juuuuuuuust wasn't working for me LOL

Thanks to my pal Theasaurus.com, when I was typing in several adjectives I wanted our future empire to possess... I saw it. I saw the word. MOXIE.

Put my finger on it and we were born.

 It's not just a word to me - It's a mindset. It's an adjective. It requires ACTION.

What started as 1 (me), turned into 2, turned into 4... turned into 66 coaches on our team by the end of 2013. By the end of 2014, we had over 600 coaches. By the end of 2016, we had over 1,000 coaches.

We now celebrate THREE YEARS and are a Top Team in all of Beachbody. Out of 400,000 teams, MOXIE has been in the Top 100 two years in a row. Not only that, but we've earned the title of an "Elite Team" which means we have helped other coaches be successful.

Our rank or fancy pants titles would mean NOTHING if it weren't showered with the affirmation that we HELP PEOPLE for a living. And the most important lesson of all... we cannot help someone until we help ourselves!

My desire is (and has always been) to pass along my life mantra... I'm sure you can say it with me by now... LOVE FAST & LIVE SLOW.

In all this adventure... I've moved states, had a baby, quit my job, retired my husband, paid off debt, designed my life. Not so I can bask in it ... but so that I can be CLEAR and AWARE of how I can then take this gift of freedom and GIVE IT to others. 

That is why I work incredibly hard to develop knew mentorship programs and weekly training calls for our team. I am dedicated to help others create the lifestyle they've always wanted. Not so we can be selfish, greedy or prideful... but so we can use the know-how, income & life experience to make a difference in this world. 

We are definitely a pay-it-forward kind of team. 

MOXIE... I adore you. You are everything to me. You bring me such happiness and I truly find my purpose in paving the way for you guys to reach your HIGHEST dreams. God put a desire in my heart to love on people and help them see that their uniqueness is amazing.  That fear is not real and we can OVERCOME. You can OVERCOME. Hard times will come. Those are unavoidable. But it is how you choose to respond that will show your true colors. 

Those are the kind of women I want on our team. 

You down with that?


To say THANK YOU for your generosity of belief & trust in me as your leader, I am gifting every single one of you something I've created. Something that you can use/wear/cherish to remind you that #WeAreMoxie and our objective is to work hard to help ourselves & others. We want  to Love Fast & Live Slow. 

You will start receiving them in the mail soon (sprinkled throughout the month because my little hands are committed to sending each one of you a hand written note... I know it sounds crazy, but you are very much noticed & valued to me). 

I love you guys to pieces. I know we will likely TRIPLE in size this year ... and I am ready for the growth. God has been prepping me and you for a LONG time to lead boldly. With the right motives & outlook, we can do anything we put our minds to. 

Here's to another year together. 

If you'd want to learn more about joining MOXIE & the movement we are creating, I'd love to chat. I am nice and I don't bite. Just drop you info in the form below so I can get to know you a bit more... I can't wait to learn more about your story!!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.