Tomorrow, I get to spend 4 hours with 15 incredible women.
Every quarter, I work hard to gather as many as possible of my team (whether in person or virtually for an event) to connect, share, get vulnerable, celebrate victories, mastermind and then set a game plan to charge toward our life goals.
“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do. ” —Norman Vincent Peale
My team of coaches (our team name is "Moxie," which means the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage), we have had a pretty giant year so far... we've added over 300 coaches to our team, increased our overall team volume by 25%, we've advanced 6 coaches to Diamond, 3 coaches to Star Diamond and have 4 coaches ranked in the top 1,000 in the entire company.

We've been an Elite team 3 years in a row and in the Top 100 (out of 400,000) for three years. It's pretty spectacular to be a part of something big. To join a movement and community like Moxie... I know we have a mission and purpose bigger than ourselves. What we do matters.
Here is a quick video I shared with my team last year to encourage everyone to reach their fullest potential. To BE their best. Because they deserve it. This video still gives me chills.

Moxie Bootcamp is a new coach training course. It's for new or old coaches who have giant goals for their life and business. They are ready to learn and willing to serve others. In January, our team gathered together in Macon, GA at a bed & breakfast to spend the weekend together in laughter and making memories. Then in April, I hosted another retreat at my house for new coaches needing a great jumpstart into their business foundation.
Now, tomorrow, I am hosting a VIRTUAL RETREAT for 15 inspiring women who are excited and eager to launch their business and set up a solid game plan to change their life in 2017.
I know change can be scary. And hard. My mom always said "Change Takes Courage" and that never rang MORE true than when people decide to recreate their lives and start an online business that is designed to help others live healthier & more fulfilling lives.
It's the best gift I could ever give. The chance to design a free life so you can focus on your ultimate purpose. Let's let go of what's comfortable. Let's turn away from what our fears are whispering to us... and let's make our life mean something.
Even though this Moxie Bootcamp is launching tomorrow (June 2nd), since it's virtual (all online), I have a tug at my heart that there is ONE MORE PERSON that needs to join us. I don't know who you are... But you do.

And whoever you are, I'm saving you a spot. And I've written this entire blog to you. I'm ready to help you get started. You've been thinking about becoming a Coach for a while.. and this is the perfect time.
Fill out this quick application and let me know you are the one.
I can't wait to do life with you. Take you under my wing and help you reach your goals.
“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.” —Les Brown
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