Friday, July 29, 2016

Win $1,000 in August: Join my Country Heat Test Group!


I am accepting applications for the TEST GROUP now! Just write "COUNTRY HEAT" in the subject line and I will get in touch ASAP... only accepting 30 applicants.

Ok, here is the deal guys. I have been converted. I was NOT SO SURE about this whole country music dance thing #honest.

Beachbody Corporate text me and told me to try it out (and because I am an Elite Coach, I got to try the program out early). I've been hooked on this for a week now.

And today, I even got to workout with Autumn Calabrese LIVE. The song choices had me literally singing out loud and reliving my childhood in good ol' country bumpkin Georgia.
What was MOST surprising about this program is that the test groupers are finding that they are burning the same IF NOT MORE calories form more hard core workouts (like burpees, jump squats, high knees) <--- which are dreaded.

But the fact that you can possibly burn 200+ calories in 30 minutes. Check out a comparison from a friend who tried Country Heat vs. 22-Minute Hard Corp. 

HELLO >> Dancing is fun. Dancing is exercise. Dancing is good for the soul.

And if you commit to dancing your way to a healthier you in August, you can enter to win $1,000.

Beachbody is giving away $1,000 a day to a family who post about their workouts together. How motivating is that??

I am pretty pumped. My family is my everything. And my August will revolve around us having fun, laughing, getting healthier and setting up some good family habits.

Here are some killer results so far from previous TEST GROUPERS.

And for those who need to see Autumn Calabrese (creator of Country Heat) on stage busting a move, watch this video! 


I am accepting applications for the TEST GROUP now! Just write "COUNTRY HEAT" in the subject line and I will get in touch ASAP... only accepting 30 applicants.