In this busy life, we are brainwashed to think we need to GO GO GO GO GO ... and keep up. Keep up with WHO??? I am only racing myself. I am not a loser if someone is successful. They simply prove success and my dreams are possible. But I believe it is ok if you ever need to SLOW DOWN in order to SPEED UP.
Which is exactly what I've been doing recently when it comes to my Beachbody business. Being an online health & fitness coach was not something I thought I'd be doing at the age of 30... I thought I'd continue in Corporate America and climb that ladder.

It seemed too good to be true.
{{ I've been doing this for 3 years. And if you've followed my journey, you know our road hasn't always been easy. Read more of our story here: OUR ROLLE COASTER STORY }}
This week, I am on vacation and I have spent some quiet moments reflecting. And at the end of the day I asked myself, if this was it... if I didn't have tomorrow, would I be proud of the life I lived? Would I be proud of the impact I made?
So I asked myself some hard questions. Some things that have been weighing me down. Does it REALLY matter how much money I make? Does it REALLY matter how fancy my accolades are?
To leave a LEGACY... I want to focus on what DOES MATTER.
The way I love people. The way I make people feel. The way I point everything back to my faith and how grateful I am that God gave me breath. That I cherish my health & will do what is within my control to honor him with my body.

I had to do some gut checks and I am proud to stand up tall and proclaim: WHAT I DO MATTERS!!
It's so empowering!!
I am so in love with what I do because of the difference I can make in people. It's absolutely rewarding. And for that reason, I will never give up. I will never let go of this passion. This calling. This desire to help others. And to clarify, I don't ONLY want to make a difference in the people involved in Beachbody, I am not exclusive... I want to love and lift up and encourage EVERYONE that God blessed me with.
Here is a video I put together that summarized my passion and belief in the direction I am marching.
Thanks for hearing my heart!
Do you want to be a difference maker? Join this movement because I know we are headed big places!! JOIN OUR TEAM OF DIFFERENCE MAKERS: LEARN MORE HERE
To end... here is an excerpt from the band who wrote the song in that video. I wanted to make sure the lyrics were explained and not misunderstood.
"This song is my story of trying to understand my role in God's plan. We were on tour with a secular artist, Taylor Swift, playing to 20,000 and even 50,000 people per night. We felt like we were doing what we were supposed to be doing. Despite our efforts, I didn't feel like we were having the impact we are called to have.
I think God was asking us at this time, "What are you doing this for? Are you doing it for Me?" And, I think that's where this song was birthed. That confusion is almost a good thing. The bridge says "I am on the fence about nearly everything I've seen." I meant that in how the whole band was going through a "we surrender to God" kind of way.
We don't need to be concerned about what happens after we've given up this gift we have to God. That was really powerful for us. We had ambition and let that take too much of a priority in things that led us down a road that wasn't good. I think that in trying to re-prioritize, God wants us to sacrifice those things, those idols in our lives. Some idols for us were wondering what the outcome was going to be, that we had the upper hand or maybe we were the best band out there, or we thought we were the most clever at it.
I feel like the beginning of the song is us asking ourselves are we really difference makers. How valuable are we, really? Towards the end of the song it comes around that God makes us a part of what He does, which is so crazy. It starts with us realizing that we don't get to make the rules. We don't control it, and we don't get to say what the timing is. It's not because of our talents. He doesn't need that. He needs our willing hearts."
I have a willing heart!! And I am excited to use my Beachbody business to make the world a better place!